

Create and publish page-flipping eBooks from PDF.

    GHow to create an .exe file your publication

    Step 1. Create project

    Click "New" button on top of main window to create a new project for your publication, and you will be prompted to select PDF or image files you want to convert to digital publication.

    new project

    After selecting the PDF or image files, the publication will be created for you and ready to be published.

    Step 2. Publish

    Click "Publish" button, you will see the following interface:

    Publish your publication

    To create an .exe file for your publication, please be sure to check "Create Self-Executed (.EXE) Version" item. Then click "Publish Now" button to publish your digital publication.

    Step 3. Get EXE file

    After publishing. you will see the following interface:

    Please click "Open Output Folder" button, you can find the .EXE file from the "offline" subfolder.



    FlipMall is a web service to create digital publication from PDF. Just go to www.FlipMall.net and upload your PDF document. Your digital publication will be generated automatically. More Info

    FlipCreator Standard

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    FlipCreator Professional

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    FlipCreator Enterpise

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