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Create iOS and Android apps for your publications.

How to submit your app to appstore?

The following guide will show you how to submit your app to the AppStore.

Log into iTunes Connect (https://itunesconnect.apple.com) with your Apple ID. Click "Manage Your Applications".

Click "Add New App":

Choose the type of App you are trying to upload. In this case we will be uplaoding a iOS app.

You will now arrive at a screen prompting you to enter information about your app. Follow the onscreen instructions and fill the form out. Once you are done hit "Continue"

Next you can select when you want your app made available and the price you want to sell your app at. Select "Continue" when you are ready.

Next you will be brought to the page where you have to provide detail about your App, like version number, copyright, screenshots, contact info, etc. Fill it all in and hit "Continue".

You are now at the final screen. All you have to do now is hit "Done" and your app will be published.



FlipMall is a web service to create digital publication from PDF. Just go to www.FlipMall.net and upload your PDF document. Your digital publication will be generated automatically. More Info

FlipCreator Standard

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FlipCreator Professional

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FlipCreator Enterpise

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