The Best Design You've Ever Seen
Outstanding Layouts
You can manage the look as well as what kind of content you would like to the flipbook to display. The settings panel allows you to easily get the ultimate in layout, change or turn on/off logo display, add/remove thumbnails on top/bottom of flipbook, etc.
20+ Free Stunning Themes
Choose from our wide range of predefined themes to create your Own Amazing Experience. The Theme Editor allows you to design your own themes, edit the current themes, download more stunning themes from our website.

More for your Flipbooks
Realistic 3D Flipbook
FlipCreator is based on pure HTML5. It gives you confidence in quality and flexibility for all devices including PC, Mac, iPhone/iPad and Android...
Bookmarks/Tabs with Realistic 3D Effect
Add bookmarks/tabs to the flipbook and get much better reading experience for your audiences.
Sticky Notes
Allow your readers to write notes quick and easy. A note can be stuck on anywhere of a page.
Highlight Important Words
Highlighting can turn a large chunk of text into a short, descriptive summary. With FlipCreator's highlight feature, your reader can highlight what they are interesting in.
Social Integration
FlipCreator has full set of social icons and styling options which allow you to share any content the way you wish.
6 Levels of Zoom
We know how embarassing and time-consuming can be content reading, so we took care of page zooming for your smooth reading expirience.

Rich Media & Hyperlinks
Add video, YouTube video, music, picture, button, gallery/slideshow and hyperlink/hotspot to your flipbook. Showcase any of your products or projects with this great feature.

Online/Offline Publishing
You are able to publish digital publication to a website for viewing online. Or pubish into mobile device, hard drive, USB drive and CD/DVD for offline viewing.

Tablets and Mobile Devices
Accessible on all tablets and mobile devices including iPhone/iPad, Android and Windows phone/tablet. Optimized for tablets and mobile devices.
Search Engine Optimization
FlipCreator generates html files of flipbook for search-engines to index. It will optimize your publication for major search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo.
Branding & White Label
100% white label solution. You can customize the loading logo, branding logo, company logo, website and company name to rebrand the flipbook.
You can also create branded Android and iOS apps for your publications. So that you can distribute your digital publications to App Store and Google Play.

Full Customization
We offer 20+ free themes for you to customize your publications. Add your branding logo, background, icons/skins, color to build your own custom look and feel.

Measure and track all reader behavior, including number of vistors, visits and page views, time spent on publication, time spent on page, links clicked, audios played, videos played, keywords searched and many more...

Even More Features Available
3D Flipbook
The world's first 3D HTML5 flipbook with stunning tabs/bookmarks. Breathtaking realistic page-flipping effect.
Rich Media
Add multimedia such as audio, video, YouTube video, button, picture, gallery/slideshow to pages of your publication. Add background music to your publication.
Create Mobile App
Turn the flipbooks into mobile apps and distributing to Apple App Store and Google Play in minutes.
All Devices
Every flipbook is multiple platform optimization and can be viewed on all devices including PC, Mac, iPad/iPhone and Android devices.
Add Link/Hotspot
Automatically importing hyperlinks from PDF. Or manually add links, including external links, goto page links, play audio links, play video links, display image links, show message links and more...
Search Engine Optimization
Generate HTML files for search-engines to index. Once you submit one of these files to the search engines, your publications will be able to be searchable in search engines.
Advertising Banner
You can add advertising banners to the top, left and right side of the flipbook. These banners can be displayed with "Tile" or "Slideshow" mode.
.ePub & .mobi
Creating .ePub and .mobi files for eReaders which includes Kindle, iBook, Kobo, Nook, Sony and other e-readers has never been so easy.
Right to Left (RTL)
Right to Left (RTL) flipping mode is supported for Middle eastern languages such as Hebrew and Arabic.
Command Line
You can finish a publishing of digital publicaiton using command line. This feature allows you to call and run FlipCreator from command line or event from your own application.
Online/Offline Reading
For a publication, you can upload it to your website for people to view it online. You can also put it on your local computer, USB and CD/DVD to view it offline.
Archive Library
With this feature, your readers can easily access these back issues, archived issues or related publications. It provides a thumbnail of front cover for each publication.
Share on Social Network
Allow your readers to share the publication they like via email or social networks, like Facebook, Twitter and Google+.
Create EXE/APP
FlipCreator can generate self-executed package for both of Windows and Mac. For Windows, it's EXE format and it's .APP for Mac OS.
Table of Contents
All bookmarks in PDF can be automatically imported into flipbook as table of contents. On the other hand, you can also add your own table of contents using the tool provided.
Slideshow lets you combine multiple images to capture your audience's attention and tell a story with photos on flipbook. Add a slideshow to a page from multiple images is easy.
Currently we provide 14 languages for interface of publication. Just select one of them for your readers.
You can customize the loading logo, branding logo, company logo, website and company name to rebrand the flipbook.
100% White Label
100% white label solution. You can completely brand the publication (from the logos, to the email address, to the website) in a way that the client will never know the source of the software.
Import Links from PDF
FlipCreator has the ability to automatically import hyperlinks from PDF when you add your PDF.
Single Page (Presentation) Mode
For presentations, it would be nice to have a singe-page mode. This mode displays only the current page on-screen and does not show page-flipping effect.
Realistic 3D Bookmarks/Tabs make your flipbook not only beautiful, but also easier to read. You can specify different Color, width, height and font Size for each bookmark.
Highlight Text
Add color behind any selection of text—individual characters, words, or entire paragraphs—to create a highlight effect.
Sticky Notes
Your reader can write important notes and plaster these notes all over the page.
Password Protection
Password protection allows only those with a password to gain access to your flipbook. All you need to do is to add a password for your flipbook.
Full customization
Select different themes, add your branding logo, background, icons/skins, colors to build your own custom look and feel for your unique flipbooks.
Deep Link to a Special Page
Get a link/URL to open an internal page inside a flipbook.
Save as PDF
Allow your reader to save any pages as a PDF file. Or save the whole flipbook as a PDF file.
Built-in Uploader
A built-in FTP client is included. So it allows you to upload the flipbook to your website directly after publishing.
Self Host
FlipCreator allows you to host your publications on your own website or any other sites.
Embed on Facebook Page
Easy to embed the flipbook on your facebook page.
6 Levels of Zoom
Provide 6 levels of zoom. Give your audience the amazing reading experiece.