Our News
- June 28, 2023 - Webrofiler.com v1.0 released.
- January 6, 2020 - FlipCreator v5.1 released.
- December 15, 2018 - FlipCreator v5.0 released.
- August 20, 2017 - We are looking for Chief Beta Tester.
- December 29, 2016 - FlipCreator v4.9 released.
- May 2, 2015 - Mag2GO v1.0 released.
- May 16, 2014 - FlipCreator v4.8 released.
- February 22, 2014 - iPubMag has been appoved by Apple AppStorete.
- January 9, 2014 - iPubMag has been submited on Google Play.
- October 30, 2013 - iCreateApp v2.0 released.
- October 11, 2013 - FlipCreator v4.6 released.
- October 9, 2013 - FlipExplorer v1.5 released.
- September 30, 2013 - iCreateApp v1.0.2 released.
- June 12, 2013 - FlipCreator v4.5 released.
- Apirl 10, 2013 - iCreateApp v1.0 released.
- February 20, 2013 - FlipCreator v4.0 released.
- December 18, 2012 - FlipCreato v3.6 released.
- October 20, 2012 - FlipCreato v3.5 released.
- August 25, 2012 - FlipExplorer for Android released.
- May 7, 2012 - iOs App FlipExplorer released.
- March 6, 2012 - Mac version of FlipCreator released.
- December 28, 2011 - FlipCreator v3.0 released.
- November 25, 2011 - FlipCreator v2.5 released.
Webrofiler is a web technology information profiler tool that allows you to find out what a website is built with. It provides detailed information about the technologies used by any website, helping businesses understand their competition and market better. For more details please visit Webrofiler - Discover what a website is built with.
- Bug fixes and improvements.
- Pure HTML5 technology;
- No Flash needed;
- iCreateApp included;
- Pay it month to month;
- Cancel anytime;
- Fixed problem of YouTube video;
- 50% loading faster;
We will release a digital newsstand eMag+ (http://emagplus.com), which includes a self-publishing platform. Now it's under beta testing. We are inviting people to be our Chief Tester to test the platform. Join us to experience the amazing publishing system and publish your magazines and books for free.
Please click the following link to sign up as a pubisher and start your experience of Chief Tester.
- HTML 5 version now can be automatically open when Flash Player is not found or disabled on PC/Mac;
- Fixing an issue with link for iOS 9;
- Fixing an issue that could crash when previewing on Windows 10;
- Fixing an issue that could cause the generated EXE file fail to launch on Windows 8;
- Fixing an issue that could prevent opening saved project;
- Fixing an issue that could prevent inputing YouTube id;
- Fixing an issue for some users that caused failure to open big video in Chrome;
- Fixing an issue for some users that caused crashing when loading some PDFs;
- Fixing an issue that could cause image gallery shifting down on mobile devices;
- Fixing an issue for Mac OS X 10.11;
- Fixing a compatible issue with Android 4.4;
- Create newsstand and standard app for magazine;
- Create your own branded store;
- Support iOS and Android device;
- No coding required;
- Real native apps;
- Real-time updates;
- 100% white label;
- Online & offline reading;
- No percentage of sales take;
- Preview issues before subscribing/buying;
- Fully custom interactive design;
- Video supported;
- Links supported;
- Added thumbnail image when sharing on Facebook, Google+ and Linkedin;
- Fixed TOC issue;
- Fixed iOS7 compatible problem for HTML5 version;
- Fixed PDF button on mobile device;
- Fixed freezing problem on some particular computers;
- Fixed theme issue for Mac version;
- Fixed vector graphics problem for some particular PDF;
- Fixed the sharing feature on iPad;
- Fixed zoom in problem of Flash version;
- Fixed bug of PDF gets compressed on Mac version;
- Fixed 'button is invisible' problem;
- Fixed loading logo problem for Mac;
- Fixed the issue with white screen for Mac;
- Fixed the issue with email link;
- Purchase a paid publication.
- Subscription.
- Thumbnail/Coverflow interface.
- Category.
- Download publications into the device.
- Add publications into the app.
- Change publications in the app.
- Purchase a paid publication.
- Subscription.
- Thumbnail/Coverflow interface.
- Category.
- Download publications into the device.
- Add publications into the app.
- Change publications in the app.
- Add support for downloading publication from website. You can now create one app for pass issues, current issues and future issues.
- Add support for adding publications after publishing the app. You can now add publications into an App without updating the App and your audiences will be notified to download the publications into their devices;
- Add support for paid publications. You can now set a price for your each publication and sell publications through your app;
- Add support for subscription of quarter, half year and one year;
- Add coverflow interface for app;
- Add library index file management;
- Added double tap to zoom in/out in iPad/iPhone;
- Fixed iOS 7 compatible problem for HTML5;
- Fixed toolbar moving problem for HTML5;
- Fixed toolbar disappearing problem for HTML5 on PC;
- Fixed message format problem for HTML5;
- Fixed flip arrow disappearing problem for Flash;
- Fixed bug on highlighting searched words;
- Fixed audio problem on single page mode;
- Fixed double click to zoom problem;
- Fixed YouTube problem on RTL mode;
- Fixed table of contents problem with more than 3 layers;
- Fixed bug of thumbnail bar on single page mode
- Fixed iOS 7 compatible problem;
- Fixed iOS 7 compatible problem;
- Theme manager with import/edit;
- Customize window color;
- Customize icons of navigation buttons;
- Added scalable zooming;
- Added arrows beside the book to flip page;
- Added rollover effect for button;
- Added side adversiting posision;
- Added publication title when searching from library;
- Added side advertising for HTML5;
- Fixed bug for gallery;
- Fixed bug for importing links;
- Fixed problem for loading PDF on some PCs;
- Fixed problems for thumbnail bar when over 77 pages;
- Fixed bug for message link and button.
- iCreateApp is an app building software that allows you to turn your publication into it's very own App;
- Include you very own custom icon for your App;
- Include you very own luanch image for your App;
- Create iOS app;
- Create Android app;
- Create app for submitting to AppStore and Google Play;
- Create app for testing on your devices;
- Create as many apps as you want for your publications;
- Zero programming knowledge needed;
- The fast & easy way to create mobile app for your publications;
- Add gallery/slideshow on page.
- Thumbnail bar on bottom.
- You can set Stop or Pause when page flip.
- Show thumbnails on Previous Issues.
- Publish on Windows 8 tablets.
- Publish on Windows Phone.
- Allow changing book size.
- Added limit to 100% option.
- HTML5 version can be viewed on PC and Mac.
- Compatible with Windows 8.
- Add highlight when zoom in.
- Support changing tooltip's color and text color.
- Support changing tooltip's background.
- Fixed search problem for html5.
- Fixed bug for some PDFs.
- Fixed bug for message link and button.
- Create .epub and .mobi.
- Highlight keyword when searching in publication.
- You can set Stop or Pause when page flip.
- Save as PDF allows you to input a page range.
- Added option to turn on/off Auto High Toolbar feature on full screen mode.
- Improved navigator of zoom.
- Added two buttons to flip page when zoom in.
- Added limit to 100% option.
- Added option to show/hide horizontal toolbar.
- Added option to show/hide vertical toolbar.
- You can use mouse wheel to adjust zoom level.
- New button to turn off/on audio.
- Set target for weblink when adding link and button.
- Open PDF in HTML5 version.
- You can adjust the thickness of book.
- New help interface.
- Fixed issue with pause video.
- Fixed an issue with playing SWF.